The rebuilding of a wattle fence, habitat care is ongoing.
Here is the story of how we are protecting a treasured oak tree:
There is a treasured oak tree that lives beside River Walk at our Bridge Street entrance. In 2019, Tom Ingersoll led volunteers in mulching the area beneath its spreading branches to help improve and support root growth. In 2021, A Greenagers Trail Crew created a protective circle around that area to ensure protection from the weight of parked vehicles and to invite visitors to enter to enjoy the shade and the understory plants introduced there by our horticultural team and River Walk Greenager interns.
But organic material must be replaced over time and habitat care is perpetual ... Not to worry!
With the leadership of our River Walk Interns, a call out for volunteers, and the help of Greenager Trail Crew members, the wattle fence is being reconstructed and our protection of the Red Oak Tree continues.
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