
GBLC helps to maintain Lake Mansfield by hiring and guiding a Greenager Crew Again this Year!

July 3rd, 2004  - Each summer season GBLC lines up a Greenager Crew for a day or two to help with summer trail maintenance at Lake Mansfield.  It's a way of hiring local teens to work on local trails at the height of the trail maintaining season.  This year the timing couldn't have been better, just as the Lake Mansfield newly improved lakeside trail and beach area were welcoming the public, Greenagers was there in force! There was a lot to be done, but this strong, skilled crew of 8 were nothing but GREAT! 

2024 June Work Party Pitches in for a Healthy Woodland at Lake Mansfield

On Saturday June 1st, 2024, 17 Volunteers worked to contribute a total of 57 hours to help keep the verdent woodland adjacent to Lake Mansfield a healthy habitat for native plant species. Some of our team have volunteered many times before, some were new volunteers wanting to lend a hand. It is amazing to see how much can be done when we join up to do good work.