Great Barrington Land Conservancy has worked with the town and private landowners to restore a crucial ecological area as the final step of the Knob Hill stormwater mitigation improvements.
Serviceberry, Summer Sweet, Silky Dogwood, Steeple Bush... These are just a few of the native shrubs that have been planted on the hillside at the intersection of Knob Hill Road and Lake Mansfield Road. Devan Arnold, owner of Sassafras Land Care, was hired for the job.
Planting Description:
The focus of this project is a 2,400 square foot area triangle. The area has undergone drastic clearing in the early part of 2019 as part of a storm-water mitigation project in which the town added new drains, basins and underground piping (to mitigate unfiltered storm water runoff). The aim of this project is to restore the native vegetation community that is largely based on the plant species found in the general vicinity. The project will be accomplished in two phases.
Phase one:
The planting of woody trees and shrubs is complete. Funding came through donations to GBLC's Lake Mansfield Alliance Project and was supported by the generous donation of plant material by Ward's Nursery and Garden Center. Project cost was $2,300.
Phase two:
In the spring, carefully selected grasses, sedge species, and wildflowers will complete this restoration. Volunteers will be invited to participate and the funding will be raised through donations.
This planting restores a healthy and powerful buffer zone that will help slow and absorb the rainwater on the slope. Native plant species were chosen to sustain the wildlife that depends on this lakeside habitat, including birds and pollinators. In addition, the planting list developed for Knob Hill will be used to inform the next stages rehabilitation along Lake Mansfield’s shoreline
Great Barrington Land Conservancy is committed to future stewardship of the Lake Mansfield Area. Since 2005 Lake Mansfield Alliance, a project of GBLC, has worked with the Town of Great Barrington to provide stewardship for Lake Mansfield and the Lake Mansfield Conservation Forest. We believe that the Lake Mansfield ecosystem must be protected so that nature, wildlife, and people can thrive together for years to come.
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