April 30th 2022
Nine energetic volunteers teamed up on a crisp spring morning to dedicate time and energy to caring for our Lake Mansfeild Trails and Forest. Together we put in 20 volunteer service hours sprucing up the trails and removing invasive plant species. As we worked we said hello to some of the many folks who enjoy the trails each day.
"I LOVED the beauty of the trail, hearing the trees creaking and swaying, birds singing and just enjoying the peace being amongst nature. I felt so good helping eliminate the invasive species on the ground to help the trees and nature around them to survive and thrive. " - LM Forest Day Volunteer
Check out this photo gallery to learn more about work session efforts:
PHOTO GALLERY: April 2022 LM Forest Work Day
Two more spring service days are planned for Lake Mansfeild, Sign up now to join in the fun!
Lake Mansfield Volunteer Days - Beach Area
Thanks everyone!
Christine Ward