Dale Abrams led a sturdy group of volunteers on the work at the boat launch to improve the lakeside habitat and make it more inviting for visitors.
With permission from the DPW and Conservation Commission, the team shifted the large kiosk, moved boulders to happier places, installed coir logs to prevent runoff of new soil into the lake, regraded and tamped fresh topsoil, spread grass seed and then and covered the area with burlap to prevent erosion while seeds germinate.
Check out the photos to see how an enormous amount of fun was had by All!
Thank you Dale and Volunteers - what a great effort! Your work will make this important space so much more enjoyable for all.
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2023 LM Boat Launch Improvements have begun.
2023 Volunteers keep at it to Improve the LM Boat Launch!
LM Boat Launch Improvements Completed!