Threemile Hill Trail at Fountain Pond & CHP Walking Loop

Trail Description:

The 2-mile long trail is a moderate up and down path through the woodlands located on the slope of Three Mile Hill, with a surprising view of Monument Mountain from the Fountain Pond end of the trail. Please take precautions during hunting season. The elevation change is 350 feet. Allot 90 minutes for a one-way walk on this trail.

A collaboration of BNRC, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation, Berkshire South Community Center, and Great Barrington Trails and Greenways, the Threemile Hill Trail crosses 3 landowners and connects to new trails at the Community Health Program campus.


This two-mile long trail has three terminus points. It can be hiked as a return trip in one direction by pre-positioning a vehicle at one of the other trailheads. Our goal for the future is to create trail connections that will create a complete loop hike from a single trailhead.

The southern end of the trail is at the Berkshire South Regional Community Center (BSRCC) on Crissey Road, off Route 7 just north of the Price Chopper Plaza. The trailhead is located off the parking area at BSRCC. Look for the sign board near the gazebo. The northern end of the trail is off the parking area at Fountain Pond State Park, just off Route 7 and .8 mile north of Crissey Road. The trailhead at Community Health Programs (CHP) connects visitors to an easy walk within the entire system or another connection to the longer Threemile Hill Trail via Fountain Pond.

GBLC is supporting improvements at the Threemile Hill Trail with the donation of locally harvested lumber to be used to build a new information kiosk at Berkshire South. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation is managing this season's trail improvement project, which includes work to be done by a Student Conservation Association trail crew. Collaborative trail efforts like this one are accomplished through our project, GB Trails & Greenways.

Fountain Pond -Threemile Hill Trail with CHP Loop in Great Barrington MA