Join Helia’s Carbon Offset Initiative by purchasing 5 trees ($125).
You can donate your trees to be planted at Lake Mansfield this year!
5 Small Trees = 1 Big Impact: Improve our Lake and Forest Habitat AND offset your own carbon use!
This is an invitation to be part of the carbon sequestration planting at Lake Mansfield this fall, Plant 5 trees to offset the CO2 emissions of your vehicle. Whether you’re seeking balance for yourself, or looking for a meaningful holiday gift for others - this is a simple way to replenish nature. All trees purchased in the Carbon Offset Initiative will be planted Lake Mansfield in collaboration with Great Barrington Land Conservancy. This is Helia's 8th Annual Tree Planting Campaign! This year Helia is partneringup with the Great Barrington Land Conservancy to plant these beautiful native trees at the Lake Mansfield November Habitat Planting Day on November 9th! The effort will include plantings along the lakeside trail as well as a planting of native shrubs and trees at the forest edge behind the new parking area which will be designed and installed as part of Helia Native Nursery’s Carbon Offset program.
Bridghe McCracken, Founder of Helia Land Design and Helia Native Nursery, is joining Lake Mansfield’s multi-year volunteer commitment to strengthen the lake’s natural habitat. Bridghe has over 20 years experience in land stewardship, as well as designing landscapes, gardens, and food systems in Berkshire County. She is an educator for sustainable land stewardship, native plant design, and propagation. She is also a Great Barrington Land Conservancy advisor.
Bridghe grew up very close to Lake Mansfield, and is eager to bring her understanding and skills to caring for our special place. “As a child, I rode my bike to Lake Mansfield with my sisters every day. It was there that we grew up learning how to swim and explore, creating unforgettable memories on those beautiful endless summer days by the lake. Now, whenever I visit Lake Mansfield, it serves as a nostalgic reminder of the laughter and love it provided us with. I hope the joy and connection of the lake can be enjoyed by generations to come.”
Also this year Bridghe and her team are nurturing native plants from cuttings harvested from the disturbance zones created by the improvement construction at Lake Mansfield. The plantlings will be returned to the shoreline as part of our restoration efforts. Bridghe has also committed to a restoration planting of the forest buffer zone behind the new parking lot that will be accomplished as part of Helia’s Carbon Offset Initiative.
Helia Native Nursery recognizes that local and global ecosystems are threatened by climate change, pollution, and urban development. Helia’s Carbon Offset Initiative allows participants to take direct action to offset carbon emissions by planting native trees in conserved areas throughout Berkshire County. In the coming year, this initiative will help bring improvements to the health of our community, as well as our changing planet, right on the shores of Lake Mansfield.
Volunteers, Join us on November 9th for an ambitious morning of planting! Register now: Lake Mansfield Planting - Volunteer! Saturday November 9th 9AM-12PM