Join us Sunday, October 13 for the 14th Annual Run for the Hills 10K & 5K Races.
Registration is recommended. Register HERE. The first 100 registrants will receive t-shirts. Runners and walkers will receive updated information as Race Day draws near.
Don't be Late! Registration/Check-in 8-9AM at the Kilpatrick Athletic Center of Bard College at Simon's Rock,
84 Alford Road, Great Barrington, MA
10K - 9:20 Start Time
5K - 9:40 Start Time
Run for the Hills, the Great Barrington Land Conservancy’s traditional road race is on! Come join us on Sunday, October 13 to enjoy our 10K and 5K routes through the rolling Berkshire Hills. Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are invited to enjoy the peak fall foliage and help GBLC to raise the funds needed to promote conservation, farm preservation, and community trails.
Not a runner or walker, you can still participate by volunteering. Sign up for volunteer opportunities HERE.
The event will take place at the site of our gracious host the Kilpatrick Athletic Center at Bard College at Simon’s Rock.
Online registration closes Thursday, October 10. Registration will also be available on Race Day. Computerized timing will be provided by our partner the Berkshire Running Center. Race results will be posted on line.
For over 30 years the Great Barrington Land Conservancy has added to the beauty of the Berkshires by promoting land conservation, farm preservation, and community trails. In September 2020 GBLC opened the new Riverfront Trail which continues access along the Housatonic River south of from the ever popular River Walk. Families enjoy hiking along the Lake Mansfield Trails, which are enhanced annually, and swimming, canoeing and skating on the Lake. The Pfeiffer Arboretum offers a walking loop that includes an observation platform with a beautiful view of Long Pond.