
Run For The Hills 21.10.10 Race Results

Many thanks to all who participated in the 2021 Run For The Hills road race! This was a record year of race registrants and the most diverse as well, with ages ranging from under 7 years old to over 70 years old. A child of 7 years old placed 11th in the 5K; he is the first child under 12 to ever win in the 5K. 

Of the 138 registrants 24 10K awards & 28 5K awards were given.

GBLC Chosen by Berkshire Food Co-op Members as a Round Up for Change Recipient

Thank you, Berkshire Food Co-op members for choosing Great Barrington Land Conservancy as one of your 12 Round Up for Change recipients for 2021. 

We appreciate the honor!

GBLC members, watch for your opportunity to support both our local food co-op and GBLC in October 2022. 

See the Berkshire Food Co-op election results HERE.