2022 Winter Hike at Housatonic Flats

2022 Winter snowshoe at Housatonic FlatsA group of hardy hikers enjoyed a winter snowshoe outing at Housatonic Flats this past weekend on Saturday, January 22, 2022 with GBLC and partnering organization Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC). Many participants tried out snowshoes for the first time and enjoyed romping around off-trail in the deeper snow. These adventurers took time to admire the beaver activity, winter tree buds and seed pods, the ice patterns along the River, and breathtaking beauty of the Housatonic River and riverine habitat. 

View our photo gallery. Pictures provided by Photographer Gabrielle K. Murphy. 

Want to explore Housatonic Flats? Visit Housatonic Flats Reserve.  

Winter snowshoe at Housatonic Flats