
Edible Native Plants in the Wild and at Home

Last year we developed an exciting series featuring Russ Cohen, author of Wild Plants I Have Known… and Eaten. Below are videos of Russ leading a virtual tour of Housatonic River Walk on July 29, 2020. In the videos he focuses on native plants with ecological value to birds and pollinators that people can nibble on too. The videos are an excellent resource as you begin to scan the forest this spring and think about how you can naturalize your yard.

Support Community Trails for Challenging Times This #GivingTuesday

We have a present for you this holiday season! We have opened new outdoor spaces that will provide a respite from long winter hours indoors. We have completed two sections of the new Riverfront Trail-- accessible walking paths that can be enjoyed year-round-- bringing us even closer to reaching our dream of building an interconnected town-wide trail system just steps from downtown Great Barrington.